Noah and The Whale have created a treasure hunt for fans to track down their new album at local Record Shops,
and unlock the album to hear online before the release date of 6th May. This will be Noah and The Whale’s fourth album and the release follows a hugely exciting few years for Noah And The Whale. The band’s album sales have topped the million mark since the release of 2011’s Platinum-selling ‘Last Night On Earth’, while touring for that record culminated in a triumphant show at London’s Royal Albert Hall
‘Heart Of Nowhere’ is a record that sounds by turns melancholy and withdrawn, and at others flushed and exuberant. But there is a looseness to these songs that speaks of a band full-grown and at ease with its sound.
The band are delivering home-taped versions of the album to independent record stores around the country from this Wednesday, fans-turned-detectives will be able to track down secret codes to open up a stream of the record on the band’s website.
This just in from the band:
“On Wednesday 1st May we’ll be delivering six special parcels to six great indie record stores across the country. Each parcel contains a cassette copy of ‘Heart of Nowhere’, recorded manually and handwritten by us. The parcels also contain a unique code to help unlock a digital stream of the album online for the rest of the world to hear.
We’ll be releasing information over the next few days to help you work out the location of the stores. Each store only has one parcel. It will be handed over by the staff on a first come first served basis on Wednesday.
Each parcel contains a code which will help unlock the full album stream at a hidden location on our website. It will only become available when all six parcels have been found and their codes entered.
Find the record store, pick up a parcel and enter your code to help unlock the album online.
Follow @noahandthewhale on Twitter for updates and information. Use the hashtag #UnlockHeartOfNowhere to help with the search.
Our Land, Our Lives, Our Rules.
Good Luck.”