If you were born anywhere before or around 2003, you’ll probably remember the transformation Taylor Swift went through when she converted from country queen to modern pop phenomenon. Not to in anyway compare how I feel about Taylor to Kim Churchill, the example of her moving on to a different genre is the only thing I could rack up to describe what is going on with Churchill’s new EP, ‘I AM’.

With only two previous albums, Churchill has slowly began to build his musical staple as a folk singer songwriter, however, with the new EP, released on May 3rd, he breaks his mould and keeps us all on our toes. Luring his listeners into a false sense of security, the first track on the EP, ‘When Everything Comes Undone’ doesn’t stray far from the music we’ve heard from Churchill over the past five years. Simple guitar and the classic single kick drum is at this point, a Kim staple, used by many but mastered beautifully by him. The second song has a very subtle way of letting us all in on the little secret that makes this EP stand out. Pairing with the picking acoustics is Churchill’s new box of noises, previously unheard of from anyone but himself. If his past works kept him on the ground, the added depth provided by what is a more modern sound has opened up the possibility of a new musical direction. A musical direction displayed on the remaining five songs of the EP.

Coming as his fourth major works, the modern aspect transformation of the new EP has been pushed at exactly the right time. Leaving the change till later would more permanently set Churchill into the folk genre, allowing for less creativity. However, adapting sooner may have caused him to not bed down properly in musical roots. With tour dates announced for the coming year, Churchill’s direction is in stable hands but still very uncertain.

Kim Churchill: I Am EP: Out May 3rd 2019 (Rufus Nomad Records)
