Silent Radio has teamed up with the new music video website Rormix to find new artists to share with our readers.

Rormix is the home of independent music videos. Helping users find the best in new music by tailoring it to your taste. Helping emerging artists get their videos seen by engaged users.

Bringing high quality emerging music video content on demand to the eyes and ears of the public. Providing a platform, helping emerging artists market their music videos effectively while allowing the audience to find suitable music video content with ease.

With Rormix you can watch music videos, search for music that suits your unique taste, and discover new emerging artists for free. Access a vast catalog of new undiscovered artists from around the world.

A team of Silent Radio contributors have banded together to pick their favourite artist from a month’s worth of Rormix’s weekly top five videos and the top rated artist/act will subsequently be featured here in our Rormix Who Are Ya.




  • Who are ya?

Trevor, Sam, David, Dances.

  • Where are you from?

I (Trevor) am from NYC. David’s from Beijing. Sam’s from San Antonio.

  • How long have you been doing what you’re doing now?

Three years if you include a few lineup changes. We’ve been at it as this current trio for about two.

  • Is being a musician your full time job?

It takes up all my headspace, but we do other things for other people to pay rent.

  • Are there any obvious influences in your music?

I guess the big famous obvious influences are Blur, Nirvana, John Lennon, Neil Young. We’re also really into Richard Hell and Jimi Hendrix, but I dunno if it shows. I want to keep listing people, but I’ll stop.

  • Are there any not so obvious influences in your music?


  • Any musical Guilty Pleasures? Come on you can share, we’re all friends here!

I might go to an Ariana Grande show if somebody bought me a ticket.

  • Apart from yourself of course, what other band/artist would you recommend our readers check out?


  • Tell us about the defining moment when you thought ‘Fuck, yes I want to be a musician!’

It’s cheesy, but I was eleven years old and heard “Smells Like Teen Spirit” for the first time and immediately said, “Mom! I want a guitar!” It took me months to figure out that Kurt Cobain was dead.

  • Does what go on, on tour, stay on tour?

It’s hard to remember what goes on on tour, so whatever goes on sort of stays there by default. The road is a weird, great parallel universe.

  • What’s your most favourite gig (as a gig goer)?

I saw Shivkumar Sharma and Zakir Hussain at Town Hall, and it was incredible. Get stoned and go to an Indian classical concert.

  • Dances 'Keep Talking'

    Dances ‘Keep Talking’

    Who, in your wildest dreams would you like to collaborate with/be produced by?

David Bowie.

  • Do you think it’s important for bands to have a music video to accompany their releases?

It is important. The general public seems to have more visual curiosity than aural curiosity, and videos offer musicians a chance to further define their aesthetic. Also, they’re fun.

  • Do you think the music video is having a bit of a renaissance? If so, why?

Yeah, because the internet or blogosphere or whatever is oversaturated with music and music videos, so standards have been raised.

  • A lot of musicians love the idea of getting their music released on vinyl, does making your first music video give the same feeling?

We don’t have any music on vinyl yet, but soon! I imagine holding something physical in your hands feels different than watching your first video, but both feelings ought to be a kind of pride.

  • Who produced the video and how do you go about choosing who makes it?

Our close friends Alec MacDonald and Bernardo Garcia made the video. It was the first one they’ve done. I chose them, because I trust them as artists and in general.

  • Did you enjoy the process of making the video, and can you tell us a little about it?

No, it was horrible. The initial concept was to have me running as fast as I could after the camera, which was in a slow-moving car. It was raining, I don’t like running, we did a lot of takes, and I almost threw up. I was taking a smoke break and started jokingly dancing, and they filmed it. That ended up being the best stuff, but we had very little of that footage, so they cut it with David playing drums at our practice space.

  • From start to finish how long did the whole process take?

We shot for a couple hours, and the editing took a maybe two days.

  • What three tips would you give to an act thinking of making a music video?

Don’t just try and look cool! I’m sick of bands trying to look cool. Make something strange.

  • Best place for people to find out what you are up to?

We do the Facebook thing

  • Anything to declare?

Our debut record comes out this summer, and you better listen close!!!