Ben Folds
‘Wait, this one’s got a fuck tonne of chords in it.’
Ben Folds flexes fingers, readies himself and then launches into another track and blow me he’s not kidding. These aren’t 1, 4, 5 progressions, power chords or riffs. These songs are complex, thought out, elegant. And they hang beautifully in the velvet-draped environs of The Bridgewater Hall where, it seems, pop might be allowed to grow up.
Eventually, inevitably, inexorably, everyone from Elvis Costello to Pete Tong decides their next step will be to collaborate with orchestras, to allow their adolescent pop offspring to mature, and then present a respectable front to the world. Ben Folds songs always were very carefully constructed – and often accompanied by, for instance, strings – but tonight they are given a slightly different lease of life, newness breathed into them by the addition of yMusic, a fully formed six piece ensemble from New York. In a rather adversarial configuration, on one side of the stage we have three strings, on the other three horns, and Folds resides in the middle, behind his piano. And that’s kind of off-putting at the beginning, as there is no chance to see what his hands are doing, which would have been afforded the audience by a sideways position, which can feel a little like watching a DJ spin from a laptop. But that’s kind of resolved by the fact Folds stands up at the emotive points… is sitting on the piano by the end of the show… and then moves stage front, singing with the Bridgewater crowd (full of voice, if not entirely full of numbers).
‘I’ve made up a lot of songs,’ Folds says mid-set, and there’s also no arguing with that. When you’ve written a waltz about Muhammad Ali, you’ve probably reached the most nuanced corners of creative inspiration. And taken together it’s a very beautiful kind of noise. Tracks like ‘Mess’, ‘Erase Me’, ‘Song For The Dumped’, ‘Emaline’, ‘Brick’ and, indeed, ‘Boxing’ date back to the early days as Ben Folds Five; others are pulled from more recent long players. Each member of yMusic has their chance to shine and you find yourself thinking: piano and cello really is the most gorgeous combination of sounds… but no, wait, it’s piano and viola… no wait, piano and sax.
yMusic revel in the collaboration, even performing a rather short Mexican wave at one point, before launching into a track that sounds like it features Mariachi horns. Folds benefits from the way his songs sound in this altogether grown-up format, the venue itself adding elegance and elan to proceedings (I had forgotten how lovely a venue it is, and how Manchester has benefited from its addition to the city’s musical infrastructure). Folds is part Geek, part hipster, pushing his glasses onto his nose, laughing, singing songs about relationships gone wrong. Let’s hope for all our sakes there are other kinds as well. Folds has been married four times – rich life material for songwriting, if not for a quiet life, the lyric ‘She’s a brick and I’m drowning slowly’, hanging with me as the concert pulls up to a conclusion.
It’s a be-seated respectable kind of a crowd but by the end Folds is directing the crowd to rattle their jewelry and sing along, orchestrating three-part harmonies and accommodating shouted requests (my own call for ‘Landed’ unfortunately goes unheeded). The concert ends with ‘You Don’t Know Me’ and then ‘Not The Same’… by the end Folds is once again alone, just Ben and a piano, which is perhaps, after all, how he is happiest.
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