In a strange world, where pots and pans perform synchronised swimming routines, exists Max Blansjaar. Blansjaar has been to many places absorbing a myriad of  influences, all of which have fed into ‘False Comforts’. Born in Amsterdam and raised in Oxford, he recorded ‘False Comforts’ in Brooklyn, giving the album a genre melding, free-flowing feel.

The boundless expressions and themes in ‘False Comforts’ are sure to make this a record that Indie-pop fans will one-thousand, million percent enjoy. I will leave readers to work out how many zeros that is. ‘False Comforts’ has a charm like Damon Albarn’s ‘Everyday Robots’ or The Velvet Underground’s ‘Venus in Furs’ – a unique attractive force that is childishly playful and limitless. For example, Blansjaar says in track ‘Burning in Our Name’, “And now my face looks like it’s spent the night with Freddy Krueger… and even he would run a mile from the morning I’ve just had”, love that line, it’s a kind of self-aware humour that truly displays how he feels, along with his quirky wordplay. I say quirky as the lyricism is just pure imagination. It paints this goofy but ironic picture of Mr. Krueger doing the opposite of being the slasher they are, a scaredy cat version of the renowned ‘Nightmare On Elm St’ monster

Blansjaar’s combination of innovative music, artistic vision, cultural impact, and authenticity has cemented his status as a cool musician that continues to push boundaries. The way that the music is rooted in surreal themes and avant-garde aesthetics, lead to visually striking imagery flowing through my mind.

Then there’s ‘Red Tiger’ – what a tune. Its dark, it’s psychedelic and has a air of  mystique that reminds me of the edgy distortion that bands like The Flaming Lips are famous for, which I love. This track is also a perfect midpoint in the album with every second of it a worthwhile listen. The only downside to the album could be the creepy piano bits at the end of tracks. It gets scary, after a while!

That said, ‘False Comforts’ is a  brilliant LP that prioritizes creation and hope. It has an adventurous and ominous voice yet is still full of unique imagery and characters flowing throughout.

Max Blansjaar: False Comforts – Out 21st June 2024(Beanie Tapes)