From time to time, one of our contributors will recommend an artist/band they think deserves your attention. No record labels, PR companies, bands or band’s management will ever have made these recommendations. It is simply one music fan putting their taste on the line in the hope of sharing good music. The questions are intended to give just a basic introduction to possibly your new favourite artist/band.
So without further ado, let’s crack on with another introduction, in which Silent Radio’s Jonathan Roby recommends Jellyskin for your audible delectation.

Another year and whilst trawling the internet one night for that nugget of pop genius to satisfy the musical synapses and help to self-medicate for yet another great English summer I stumble across the band Jellyskin. In no time I was immediately hooked listening to the majestically slowcore build of debut single Grey Glass Hat in which the beautiful icy vocal of singer Zia intertwine with graceful sonic effects laden guitars and keys. Reminiscent in parts to the early shoegaze sounds of Slowdive this classy debut marks them out as a band to watch out for.
Who are ya?
Will : I play guitar, Zia sings and synthesises, and Olly drums
Where are you from?
Zia : We’re based in Leeds
How did you get together?
Zia : Will met Olly at a party, and discovered they both lived near me. We’d bumped into each other at gigs quite often around Leeds. In the spring of 2016 we decided to start making music together.
I note that you are on the Manchester label Sea of Skin Records, how did you meet up?
Will : Sea of Skin is a kind of DIY independent collective at the moment that I founded with Rory from Sealand. We’ve recruited a few more great artists to be on our roster and we’re hoping to start releasing stuff in August. Our first release will be Nunslayer’s otherworldly EP ‘Blood For Days’ which is essential listening.
Tell us about what influences you?
The Velvet Underground, Sonic Youth, NEU! and the Shangri-Las. We all also enjoy the music of Daniel Johnston, The Doors, My Bloody Valentine, Goldfrapp and the magnificent Girl Sweat. Our non-musical influences include beehives, eyeliner, real ale and Laurie Lee.
Any musical guilty pleasures? Come on you can share, we’re all friends here!
Olly : None of our pleasures are guilty. Never feel guilty about the music you like
Apart from yourself of course, what other band/artist would you recommend our readers check out?
Will : Manchester’s finest, Sealand, are definitely ones to watch, as well as the aforementioned Girl Sweat.
What’s your favourite gig (as a gig goer)?
Will : The Fat White Family at the O2 in Bristol / Wire at Cosmosis
Zia : Patti Smith at the O2 in Manchester, and Ronnie Spector at Glastonbury (Will and I made it onto national telly for that!)
Olly : Ty Segall and The Muggers at Kentish Town Forum
What are your future plans?
Zia : We’re on a Sea of Skin compilation coming out on the 15th of July, and we’ll be releasing our next track onto Soundcloud in the next couple of weeks so stay tuned for that. We’re constantly writing and have a few more recordings in the pipeline. We also hope to start doing shows in October – we are itching to play gigs now.
Will : There are plans in the works for a Sea of Skin showcase in a big Northern town as well…
Name your fantasy band line up?
(apart from the current jellyskin line-up) Klaus Dinger on drums, John Cale playing viola, Mark E Smith ‘singing’, with the Ronettes on backing vocals, Ray Manzarek on organ and Rhys Webb on the bass guitar.
Best place for people to find out what you are up to?
We have a Facebook page and our music can be found on Soundcloud and Spotify. You can also find out what we are up to if you find the Sea of Skin Records website.
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