Lola Colt
Hot on the heels of their second album release Twist Through The Fire Lola Colt cram themselves into the shabby chic surrounding of Manchester’s Soup Kitchen. I have had the good fortune of watching Lola Colt twice at both Cosmosis and Liverpool Psych Fest and was impressed by their widescreen sound and stage presence.
Prior to Lola Colt I manage to catch the support act Ill and am immediately smitten with their sneery punk attitude and charm. This is no better highlighted by the cheeky tribute to new Prime Minister Theresa May which includes the lyrics ‘I don’t care’ and a cathartic run though of their latest single ‘We Are Ill’ all bodes well for their future.
Lola Colt open with ‘Gold’ a storming intro both to their set and their new album and demonstrates why Lola Colt are a compelling band to catch live. The band take no time in hitting their stride with the interplay between singer Gun Overbye and guitarist Matt Loft in particularly absorbing to witness. Gun Overbye is a superb front person with her thousand yard stare and powerful dynamic vocal presence completely unique in her own rights but has the ‘x factor’ which all good singers such as Jehnny Beth and Siouxsie have.
The band has a smouldering sexual presence and a touch of the Jim Morrison’s lyrically and their new album is more complex affair compared to their fist. Songs such as ‘Eagle’ twist and turn seguing from one driving rhythm to melodious instrumental sections à la Doors although to stereotype them would be to do them a disservice as in many ways they defy genre.
‘Moonlight Mixing’ is a particular revelation live, raw with a ‘Cramps’ style feel with all the band focused whip tight on their instruments all driving towards a fitting maelstrom like climax and ‘Driving Mr Johnny’ from their debut would be a fitting soundtrack to a bloody spaghetti western all intense drums and souring sonic fuelled guitars.
Whilst the new album’s title song ‘Twist Through The Fire’ is a brooding masterpiece showcasing their love of the east with its chiming guitars and fluid time changes which almost touches on krautrock in places. It’s quite amazing to see how many ideas that one band can pack into one song and many of the audience are clearly appreciative and transported by the songs to a better place witnessing a band at the height of their game.
Lola Colt Official | Facebook | Twitter