From time to time, one of our contributors will recommend an artist/band they think deserves your attention. No record labels, PR companies, bands or band’s management will ever have made these recommendations. It is simply one music fan putting their taste on the line in the hope of sharing good music. The questions are intended to give just a basic introduction to possibly your new favourite artist/band.

So without further ado, let’s crack on with another introduction, in which Silent Radio’s Adam Smith recommends Sleemo for your audible delectation.



Who are ya?
We are Sleemo, a three piece Alt rock/punk band.

Lead Vocalist/Guitar – Billy,
Bass/Backing vocals – Jack,
Drums – Jacob.

Where are you from?
We’re from a place called Norwich.

How long have you been doing what you’re doing now?
We’ve been a band for around just over a year now, releasing our first single ‘Dolly’ in June 2019.

Is being a musician your full time job?
It isn’t but jheeeze let’s hope it will be! Well…that’s our plan anyway, as well as knitting.

Are there any obvious influences in your music?
In our earlier stuff I guess we had influences such as: FIDLAR, Fugazi and the more post hardcore/punk side of things. As the line up changed within the band and ended up as it is now with Billy, Jack and Jacob, our sound became a bit more experimental and quite a bit heavier with some influences from math rock bands shown in our newest EP ‘Mutation Of’.
Now, being the members that are in the band, we have multiple influences but now we have gotten 100% comfortable with the way we write our songs, our influences don’t really come from specific artists, just more from our own knowledge and creativity.

Are there any not so obvious influences in your music?
I wouldn’t say so, I guess it’s just up to the listeners what they think of the music, many people say when they listen to our music it has that “Sleemo sound” which is nice to not be compared to another band because it shows that we have our own unique sound in parts of our music.
Jack and Jacob are just obsessed with the riffs/beats that are in old school games like Crash Bandicoot.

Any musical Guilty Pleasures? Come on you can share, we’re all friends here!
Many of us have huge amounts of guilty pleasures, due to us liking so many different types of music.

Apart from yourself of course, what other band/artist would you recommend our readers check out?
There’s a whole bunch of awesome up and coming bands in the music industry that we know at the minute so it’s real hard to choose just a couple, but here’s a couple: HANK, Kulk and Other half.

Sleemo - Mutation Of EP Cover

Sleemo – Mutation Of EP Cover

Tell us about the defining moment when you thought ‘Fuck, yes I want to be a musician!’
Billy: I think it was just being able to jam with so many people that were in my friendship group and just finding a love for a nice groove, it was also just getting the buzz and excitement when you create your first bit of music and it all just falls into place. Of course it was also listening to huge bands at the time and not wanting the fame as such because I’ve never really cared about that, it was mainly just wanting to play to thousands of people and hearing the crowd scream back at you and just realising that our music has made a huge affect on their emotions.

Does what go on, on tour, stay on tour?
Pfffft yeah of course man! Apart from all the injuries, you’ve got no choice but to bring those back with you.

What’s your most favouritist gig (as a gig goer), like, ever?
Billy: Another hard to answer question as there’s an endless list of great gigs. Glastonbury has to be at the top of the list as there were so many acts that were effortlessly enjoyable.

Jacob & Jack: It’s got to be the Idles gig at the LCR in Norwich.

Who, in your wildest dreams would you like to collaborate with/be produced by?
I think Steve Albini would be the perfect guy to record us, he’s just a master in his own ways and the stuff he’s worked on in his lifetime as well as being in multiple awesome bands like Shellac, Big Black and that, just makes him so darn cool.

Best place for people to find out what you are up to?

Social media is always a great place to find us as it’s a big thing of today, as well as our Spotify account with all our tunes on which funnily enough you can find links to our Spotify on our social media pages. It’s also just going to venues and finding out when we are playing and seeing us play because let’s be honest, there’s no way to really check out a band and see how good they are other than at a live gig.

Anything to declare?
In early February 2021 we’re on a UK tour with Prey Drive. Other than that, just keep an eye on our socials as there may be another release coming in the near future!

 Sleemo Official | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Spotify