Visual experimentalists Breton have released a short film for their forthcoming debut single ‘Edward The Confessor’, due for release on Fat Cat Records on 21st November 2011.

 The track’s lyrics are based on a field recording of a conversation taking place between two unknown men, the subject matter of which is immigration and the frustration of surviving in a foreign country. It’s a similar frustration that’s echoed in the young faces of the disaffected youths featured in photographer and film-maker Niall O’Brien’s recent ‘Anger’ exhibition – four kids on a council estate in London, shot at 1000 frames per second and capturing anger in its most undiluted form.

 These affecting images, interspersed throughout the video, sit somewhere between photography and moving image, contrasting with Breton’s frenetic and indefinable music, yet somehow expressing the same helpless anger of the lyrics. The result is an exciting and visually captivating piece of work – the beauty, clarity and preciseness of Niall’s photography highlighted by the deliberate hazy lo-fi vibe of Breton’s live performance.

Niall will be exhibiting the ‘Anger’ installation in London next spring.

Breton’s debut album ‘Other People’s Problems’ will be released in March 2012. Breton are currently touring with Ghostpoet.


8th November – Mine – Leeds

12th November – Digital – Brighton


21st October – SWN Festival – Cardiff, UK

11th November – London Calling, Paradiso – Amsterdam, Netherlands

2nd December – Trans Musicales – Rennes, France