Annie Dressner has released ‘For The Thrill Of It’ on 21 February 2025. A great standalone single, it is a song that combines the giddy rush of a cracking pop tune with a wonderfully crystal-clear voice while its lyrical list of micro aggressions point to its serious subject matter, male entitlement and misogyny in the […]
Number one albums weren’t on the agenda when Glasgow post rock pioneers Mogwai launched their epic tunes back in 1995. Yet following on from 2023’s album ‘As The Love Continues’ going to number one in the album charts, Mogwai have released its follow up, the brilliant new album ‘The Bad Fire’. It’s an album that […]
Dev (WTSN) didn’t start his journey as an artist in the traditional sense. In fact in the beginning, he might not have called himself an artist at all. There was no moment of stepping into the spotlight, no attachment of his name, face, or persona to the music he was creating. Instead, he found solace […]
When I first heard the demo that Tom b sent to me, I whacked the volume up to 100 on my headphones and began to pace around my flat. I had no idea what to expect. What I heard was a cacophony of electronic sounds and samples, beautifully interwoven into this musical tapestry that Tom […]
“There’s something in the water, you can’t deny it.” Swimming in admiration, Stephen Ng, lead singer and backing guitarist, dives into the depths of musical inspirations. That very same Mersey water rose and poured down over the rehearsal rooms in which The Kowloons reside. His brother and drummer Anthony goes on to say, “the richness […]
Hearing protection is important for music lovers, and high-quality solutions are increasingly stylish and affordable. To find out more, I took recommendations from friends, spoke to a lecturer in audiology at the University of Manchester, and trawled the internet, with Hearing Advisor’s rankings Best Concert Ear Plugs in 2024: Lab Tested being a great resource. This article […]
“I think we just wanted to make a record like the ones we love.” Jamie Staples, drummer in the solo project turned band, shares just how Wunderhorse went from Cub finding its feet to beast with eight legs and a thirst for the good old days of grunge. Midas represents the second album under the […]
Now Wave have been promoting gigs in our city for over a decade, and have grown from a few small gigs in independent venues, to owning their own venue (Yes) as well as organising the brilliant annual Psych Fest. We caught up with Now Wave’s Gareth Butterworth to find out about the inner workings of […]
After writing a review for ‘Afraid of tomorrows,’ the opportunity to speak to Lia Metcalfe and Paul Crilly came about which I could not turn down. Coming up with questions is an easy bout even in unfamiliar territory, like a zoom call. Sitting in the room on zoom, I get in a few minutes early […]
Motorbikes and car horns fill the air as we converse. The flint and steel of a lighter sparks a flame of opportunity in front of a cigarette, smoke trailing and lingering in the light of Night And Day Café’s neon glow. “Really good bands come and go but you have to just stick at it, mistakes […]