– MANCHESTER CATHEDRAL – On a particularly memorable trip into town on the 216 bus, and before losing me briefly in Kendals, my grandfather took me during junior-school holidays for my first exploratory visit of Manchester Cathedral and other local historical sites. Since then, and though largely unchanged physically, of course, this imposing building, now […]
– RNCM, MANCHESTER – The impressive Royal Northern College Of Music plays host tonight, to John Bramwell who has taken time out from recording a new album to road test his new songs and play a number of songs from his back catalogue. It’s a bigger venue than on his recent string of solo dates […]
– THE RITZ, MANCHESTER – It was emphatically recommended that I see this electro-jazz band live. I like their recent album Man Made Object but was a bit meh about seeing them perform. How wrong I was. And how glad I am that I allowed this enthusiasm to lead me to The Ritz on a […]
– THE BURROW, ISLINGTON MILL – Islington Mill’s Burrow has a surprisingly intimate quality in spite of its unmistakable industrial look. The lighting is considered, creating a warm tone on the stage, essentially only a small step up from the audience floor. I enter the room to a steady building kick drum, followed by some […]
– ACADEMY 2, MANCHESTER – Remember when things seemed a little more optimistic? When everything hadn’t seemingly gone to shit? When Prince was still funky and Bowie was still confounding expectations? When actual politicians were in charge of major countries? When hate wasn’t the ruling emotion? When the baby boomers weren’t making terrible decisions in […]
– THE CROWN AND KETTLE, MANCHESTER – To be able to see two bands of such high calibre playing for free in a pub says a lot for the quality of the music scene in Manchester in 2016. Having seen both these bands previously at venues spanning my twin hometowns of Sheffield and Manchester, for […]
– GORILLA, MANCHESTER – I’ve seen this band a couple of times before, but this is the first time I’ve seen Preoccupations. I won’t rake over old ground, but this band have been through the mill a little bit of late, having to change their name from Viet Cong when people started complaining, not only […]
Friday the 4th of August saw Off The Record, a new music industry conference and emerging talent showcase burst onto the Manchester scene. By day a meeting of those involved in the music business willing to share what they know with those that don’t, or just want to know more. This included DJs, label owners, […]
– The Northern Quarter, Manchester 04/11/2016 – CONFERENCE: On the tram to Market Street, my head is prepped with questions in advance of the forthcoming events of the day. By light, Off The Record promises to present a number of panels tackling obstacles in the music industry, with reference to relevant experience and know-how. For my […]
– The Northern Quarter, Manchester 04/11/2016 – CONFERENCE: “Discover your new favourite band”. Off The Record Conference & Gig Festival’s slogan couldn’t be more appealing. It’s 10am sharp and the main room at the Northern Quarter’s Methodist Building is full. It’s time to figure out How to get heard over the Noize!, with Shell Zenner (Amazing […]